The Roots of the Voice – My Interview on Yanez Magazine
Yanez Magazine is not just a musical journal. It has been created by two journalists and writers, Mattia Grigolo and Mauro Mondello as a platform about culture and art, journalism and long-form stories of very particular corners of life.
That’s why this interview is special. Not only a list of musical projects but mainly a story of my life and the musical trip that brought me to Istanbul playing in the small but vibrant improvised music scene (and much more) and then to Berlin following the same wave. The Italian title means “The Roots of the Voice”.
I’m speaking about my point of view on voice’s art, singing, vocal education as a form of art and research, about welcoming imperfections, about the voice as a tool for getting deeper close to other people and to ourselves as well. It was a good talk.
The strange circumstance in which “Sediments“ the fist album of DUOSUBROSA was born it’s also there, together with the imperfection’s statement of the second coming album “20plus20” and the backstage of the first album of the THE POND, the project of me and Nicolas Wiese.
It’s in Italian, sorry non-Italian friends, google translate mode on and have fun.